
Game Theory, Spring 2024, Westmont College

Data Analytics, Spring 2024, Westmont College

Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2023 & Spring 2024, Westmont College

Intermediate Microeconomics, Fall 2023, Westmont College 

Intermediate Microeconomics, Summer 2022, George Mason University

Students' evaluation of the overall course:"Overall, Econ 306 was an excellent course. The course material was primarily provided through slides, which were sometimes not fully sufficient in adequately explaining the concepts. However, the material was reinforced with optional exercises which I found very helpful. I also thought the homework provided was the right level of challenging. The professor was excellent in responding to emails, holding office hours, and going over the material. She clearly laid out her course expectations and the material to be covered, and both the midterm and the final were challenging and comprehensive tests. I especially appreciated the format of the tests as a series of problems that could be spread out over a week. I think the course was really well balanced with material that was challenging enough to prod student initiative while still providing resources for difficult sections."

Students' evaluation of my teaching:"Overall, Econ 306 was an excellent course. The professor primarily communicated the material through slides and a weekly meeting. The material was further reinforced through both homework and optional exercises. During weekly class, the professor was excellent at asking prodding questions that made sure I could fully explain the material and was not getting lost. Furthermore, she was very helpful both over email and in office hours. Her expectations for the course were clearly laid out, and her course was rigorous, challenging, and comprehensive. I really appreciated the testing format where a week was given to complete a series of questions from all sections of the course. It was very helpful to be stuck on a problem, sleep on it, and come back to it the next day with a fresh perspective. As a new professor, Linghui did an excellent job at moving the course forward and asking her students for criticism on what she could do to make the course better or more enjoyable. She really seemed to care for her student’s academic well being, and her effort showed throughout the course."

Principles of Microeconomics (Teaching assistant to Professor Mark Koyama for undergraduates at George Mason University, Spring 2020) 

Economic History (Teaching assistant to Professor Mark Koyama for undergraduates at George Mason University, Fall 2019)

Macroeconomics (Teaching assistant to the World Bank Teaching Group for Ph.D. students at the Research Department and selected government officials from various departments of the Ministry of Finance of China, Spring 2014)

English (Full instructor to Ph.D. students at the Research Department of Ministry of Finance of China,  Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008)

Money and Banking (Full instructor for undergraduates at Wuhan University, Fall 1998)

Courses in my teaching interests

Microeconomics (Price Theory and Game Theory)

Macroeconomics (Income Theory)

Mathematical Economics


Field courses in Historical Political Economy including Economics of Culture and Religion and Economics of State and Family in a historical and comparative perspective

Field courses in Development Economics

Field courses in Economic History

Field courses in Public Economics

Field courses in Institutional Economics and Law and Economics

Field courses in International Economics

Field courses in Economics of Labor and Demography

The Chinese economy in a historical and comparative perspective